Leafworks GmbH (Germany)
Travestieg 2, 22851 Norderstedt, Germany
E-Mail hello@leafworks.de
Tel +49 40 696 386 96

General Manager: Robert Cwicinski, Georg Winkler, Lukas Ratschke

Steuernummer 11/291/07245
USt-IdNr. DE313402781
HRB 18954, AG Kiel

Leafworks GmbH (Switzerland)
Brüttenerstraße 37, 8307 Effretikon, Schwitzerland
E-Mail: kontakt@leafworks.ch
Tel +41 76 428 60 20

General Manager: Remo Deplazes
UID: CHE-133.596.178
MwSt-Nummer: CHE-133.596.178 MWST




Leafworks S. L. (Spain)
CL POETA MONMENEU, 3-4, 46009 València, Spain
E-Mail: kontakt@leafworks.es

General Manager: Jorge Hueso Giner
NIF: B13881859
Register: 313562 (Registro Mercantil de Valencia)





Leafworks Unipessoal LDA (Portugal)
Largo da Fonte nº 10, Galifões 3660-408, São Pedro do Sul, Viseu, Portugal

E-Mail: kontakt@leafworks.pt

General Manager: David Grimm
MwSt-Nummer: PT517548976
Register: 517548976


Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gem. § 55 II RStV: leafworks.de

Leafworks GmbH
Travestieg 2
22851 Norderstedt, Germany
E-Mail kontakt@leafworks.de
Tel +49 40 696 386 96

Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions Leafworks Group

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